Thursday, December 11, 2008

Itanan Mo Ako

After dinner lastnight, I switched the TV on, turned the channel to 2nd Avenue and relaxed. That time, i've been thinking of getting a bottle or two of beer and just booz myself up.

Undecided, I just watched 'Top Chef' and see the contenders do their thing (the Chinese guy won the challenge).

Nagtext asawa ko.

He: " How are you? I'm on my way to work. I love you!"

Me: "I'm good but bored. Gusto ko magbeer".

He: "Bored? Gawan mo na lang ako love letter" (Write a love letter for me instead)

Me: "Love you!"

Haha. Thank you baby, now I have something to do. Ok! I decided to get my pen and a piece of paper to have this on draft. Wow! Classic!

I just feel so lucky that my loving babe never get tired to be so sweet even if I'm not in the mood.
Baby, here's a simple note for you.
Mr. Bottle,

Thank you.
(You make me complete.)

I Love You.
(There's no other way I wanted my life be at this time. I will still choose being with you.)

Let's grow old together.
(I eagerly responded to you when you sent me a message early today saying: "Itanan mo ako.")

Kurant Master

So that's it. I still had beer last night. I can't resist drunkness =)
This is us in Shang.

Mr. Bottle

Kurant Master (Me)


Jake said...

dude, im restricting my blog to invited viewers only. security concerns. i need your email. thanks.

kurant.master said...

thanks jake